Sonrisa East

Sonrisa East began in the world of astrology at the age of 11 with her grandmother as a guide. She is an esoteric astrologer dedicated to the art of Seeing.

personal vs transpersonal astrology, me or we

Looking from personal to transpersonal in astrology

The term “transpersonal” is used by different schools of philosophy and psychology in order to describe experiences and worldviews that extend beyond the personal level of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events. Transpersonal astrology is no different. The most modern common usage of trans today has a sexual connotation. But the prefix itself far…

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Yule 2023

Seeing in the dark, the lessons of the Winter Solstice & YULE

Seeing in the dark: lessons of the Winter Solstice & Yule In a few days we will reach the WINTER SOLSTICE of 2023, a time also known as YULE. The least this is true for the Northern hemisphere of our planet. Everything you will read here is from a Northern hemisphere perspective. A separate post about…

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