The term natal comes from a Latin word meaning BORN. Astrology typically limits natal astrology to the moment a person was born. What we call the natal chart is drawn for the moment and place of first breath. That natal chart is seen to determine the life of the person, the entire life of the person.
In some traditions the natal chart is considered a ‘moment of soul’ or an incarnation chart. In those traditions the natal chart is seen as this lifetime’s purpose, based on talents and limitation and duties taken on in past lives. Not all astrologers conceive of astrology in terms on reincarnation or carnation. But many do.
There are many kinds of births. Some are human–what we term natal astrology. But there are other kinds of births for which there are different branches of astrology: births of ideas or questions (HORARY), births of organizations, events, nations, or significant moments in time (MUNDANE).
Some branches of astrological study step away from primary time like birth and deal with things like RELATIONSHIP or LOCATION.